Share Files with Google Drive
Google Drive lets you easily store and share files online. Every Gmail and G Suite account comes with Google Drive access – if you don’t have one of these, you can still create a Google account with your current email address, which will allow you to access Google Drive.
Create a Google account if you don’t use Gmail or Google Apps
1. When you receive the email from AusWeb Design with an invitation to access Google Drive to share files, click Open in the email.
2. Click More options, and then Create account.
3. Next, enter your details. To use Drive with your current email address, click the text highlighted below.
4. After creating your account, check your email inbox for a verification. After verifying your email address and accepting the share invitation, you will be able to upload files into the Google Drive folder.
Upload files to Google Drive
Uploading files to Google Drive is easy – follow the directions below.
1. Click the link provided to the shared folder.
2. In the Drive folder, click New to upload a new file or files, or create a subfolder if needed. You can also drag and drop your files directly into the drive from your computer.